
1. **玛卡**:玛卡是一种生长在南美洲秘鲁的高原植物,含有丰富的玛卡酰胺和玛卡烯等活性成分。这些成分能够刺激人体垂体、肾上腺、胰腺和性腺等器官的激素分泌,从而增强性功能,提升性欲和勃起能力。

2. **锯棕榈**:锯棕榈果实提取物含有多种植物成分,如二十八烷醇、维生素E、硒和锌等。这些成分有助于维持前列腺健康,改善并缓解前列腺肥大问题,同时增强男性持久力。


3. **人参**:人参是一种具有悠久历史的滋补药材,富含植物性荷尔蒙和多种营养成分。人参可以增强性活动频率,提高精子活力和质量,并具有抗衰老作用。


4. **茸杞**:茸杞,也称为枸杞,是一种广泛应用的草药。茸杞具有滋养肾脏、健脾益气的作用,可以改善肾虚引起的阳痿、早泄等问题,同时提高身体的能量水平和免疫力。

5. **太和洞肾亏丸**:太和洞肾亏丸是一款著名的中药,其主要成分能够益气补血、温肾壮阳。这种药物适用于体质虚弱、容易疲劳、腰酸背痛的男士,有助于改善睡眠质量,增强体力,重塑男性活力。


– **增强性功能**:通过改善勃起功能、延长性生活时间等途径,帮助男性重拾自信。
– **提升体力**:补充营养,提高体内的气血水平,增强体力。
– **改善睡眠质量**:调节神经系统,平衡荷尔蒙水平,缓解压力,帮助获得更高质量的睡眠。
– **增强免疫力**:提供丰富的维生素、氨基酸和矿物质,提高免疫力,预防疾病。



1. **参之**:
– 在这里,“参”字可以理解为“参与”或“涉及”,指的是某种物质或技术在整个过程中所扮演的角色和影响。
– “之”字在这里作为代词,代表前面提到的成核剂。

2. **效用**:


– 指的是成核剂在实际应用中所产生的效果或利益。
– 在成核剂的案例中,效用可以包括提高制品的透明性、表面光泽、刚性、热变形温度、抗拉强度、抗冲击性、抗蠕变性等物理机械性能。

3. **解析**:
– 指的是对效用进行深入的分析和解释,理解其背后的原理和机制。
– 对于成核剂而言,解析包括了解其如何通过改变树脂的结晶行为来达到提高制品性能的目的。


– 对成核剂在聚合物中参与结晶过程的作用进行详细分析。
– 探讨成核剂如何通过其作用机理(如加快结晶速率、增加结晶密度、促使晶粒尺寸微细化)来提高制品的性能。
– 解析成核剂的分类(如晶型成核剂、无机类、有机类和高分子类)及其各自的应用效果。



1. **降血压降血脂**:
– 冬瓜和海带都含有丰富的营养成分,如氨酸、钾盐、钙元素等,这些成分有助于降低胆固醇的吸收,从而降低血压和血脂。
– 海带中的不饱和脂肪酸和食物纤维能清除血管壁上的胆固醇,而冬瓜中的膳食纤维也能吸收食物中的油脂成分,减少油脂摄入。

2. **利尿消肿**:
– 海带中的甘露醇具有利尿和消肿的作用,适合水肿人群食用。


– 冬瓜中的汁液和提取物也能促进动物排尿,增加排尿量,对肾脏有一定的保护作用。

3. **软坚散结**:
– 冬瓜海带汤有助于软化和散结,能够促进血液循环,对于肿块消退有一定帮助,还可以辅助治疗乳腺增生。
– 冬瓜中的粗纤维能刺激肠蠕动,有助于肠道中有害物质的排出,对体内结石人群有益。

4. **清热消痰**:
– 冬瓜海带汤具有清热消痰的功效,适用于慢性支气管炎、哮喘等疾病。
– 冬瓜性寒,能清热生津;海带性寒,能清除消化道上的细菌和霉菌。

5. **减肥瘦身、延缓衰老**:
– 冬瓜含有的生物碱可以防止脂肪堆积,有助于减肥。


– 冬瓜富含维生素C,具有抗氧化作用,能延缓衰老。
– 海带中的矿物质和纤维素有助于维持身体正常代谢,促进减肥。


6. **通便解毒**:
– 海带中的纤维素能促进肠道蠕动,有助于清除肠道废物和毒素。
– 冬瓜中的维生素和矿物质能促进胃肠功能,有助于食物消化。

7. **其他益处**:
– 冬瓜海带汤有助于缓解便秘、利尿、清热解毒等。
– 对于预防甲状腺肿大、改善肾功能衰竭、乙型脑炎等也有一定辅助作用。



1. **控油效果**:醋具有一定的收敛作用,可以减少面部油脂分泌,对油性皮肤特别有效。

2. **去角质**:醋中的酸性物质可以帮助去除皮肤表面的死皮细胞,促进皮肤新陈代谢,使皮肤看起来更加光滑。

3. **美白效果**:醋的酸性可以淡化皮肤上的色斑和暗沉,有助于提亮肤色。

4. **抗炎作用**:醋具有一定的抗菌和抗炎作用,对于痤疮和皮肤炎症有一定的缓解作用。

5. **软化皮肤**:醋能够软化皮肤,使毛孔扩张,有助于后续的清洁和护肤品的吸收。

6. **平衡pH值**:醋可以调节皮肤的pH值,使其保持在健康的范围内。


– **浓度控制**:醋的浓度不宜过高,否则可能会刺激皮肤,导致皮肤红肿、干燥或过敏。

– **敏感肌肤慎用**:对于敏感肌肤的人来说,使用醋洗脸可能会加重皮肤敏感。


– **长期使用**:虽然醋洗脸有一定的护肤效果,但不宜长期使用,以免破坏皮肤的天然屏障。

– **使用方法**:使用醋洗脸时,建议将醋与水按一定比例混合,轻轻擦拭面部,然后用清水冲洗干净。



1. **促进钙和磷的吸收**:维生素D的主要作用是帮助身体吸收钙和磷,这两种矿物质对于骨骼的健康至关重要。维生素D通过增加小肠对钙和磷的吸收,有助于维持正常的血钙水平。

2. **骨骼健康**:维生素D对于骨骼的生长和维持骨骼强度具有重要作用。缺乏维生素D会导致骨骼软化或变形,如佝偻病和骨质疏松症。


3. **免疫调节**:维生素D通过调节免疫细胞的分化、增殖和功能,对免疫系统起到重要的调节作用。它可以抑制炎症反应,调节免疫细胞的活化和分泌,增强机体的抵抗力。

4. **癌症预防**:近年来,研究表明维生素D可能有助于预防某些类型的癌症。例如,流行病学研究表明,维生素D的缺乏与某些类型的癌症风险增加有关。最近的研究表明,补充维生素D可以提高某些癌症免疫治疗的效果,例如消化道肿瘤患者的生存率。

5. **降低感染风险**:维生素D有助于降低呼吸道感染的风险,因为充足的维生素D可以增强呼吸道的免疫功能。

6. **神经保护作用**:维生素D对于神经系统的健康也至关重要,可能有助于减少神经系统疾病的风险。

7. **心血管健康**:维生素D可能对心血管健康有益,因为它有助于维持正常的血压和心脏功能。




1. **美白提亮**:SK小灯泡的主要功效是美白提亮肤色。它含有多种美白成分,如烟酰胺和十一碳烯酰基苯丙氨酸,能够有效阻止黑色素的生成,并防止黑色素向角质层传递,从而达到美白提亮的效果。

2. **抑制和淡化斑点**:SK小灯泡中的光源激亮因子可以屏蔽黑色素,防止其进入肌肤细胞,同时还能淡化隐藏斑,让肤色更加净澈焕白。


3. **保湿滋润**:SK小灯泡的核心成分PITERA,是一种含有保湿因子、氨基酸、维他命B群、有机酸等多种护肤成分的活细胞酵母精华。它能改善肤质,调节水油平衡及酸碱度,让肌肤更加紧致有弹力,同时提供源源不断的水分,使肌肤变得更加白皙。

4. **抗衰老**:SK小灯泡中的柑橘梅果提取物具有舒缓消炎的作用,可以帮助抗衰老,使肌肤更加细腻滑嫩。

5. **提升肌肤光泽**:含有云母、二氧化钛和一氮化硼等成分,可以提亮肤色,遮瑕,使肌肤看起来更加光滑。

6. **适用肤质**:SK小灯泡适用于各种肤质,包括油性和干性肌肤,且不易过敏,能够均匀肤色。

7. **安全有效**:经过市场验证,SK小灯泡是一款安全有效的美白护肤产品,许多消费者对其效果表示满意。


EPA,即环境保护局(Environmental Protection Agency)的缩写,在不同的语境中有不同的含义。以下是几个常见的EPA作用详解:

1. **美国环境保护局(U.S. EPA)**:
– **环境保护政策制定**:美国环境保护局负责制定和执行联邦环境保护法规,以保护公众健康和改善环境质量。
– **污染控制**:EPA监督和管理各种污染源,包括工业、汽车、农业等,以减少空气和水污染。
– **环境监测**:EPA负责监测环境质量,包括空气质量、水质、土壤污染等。
– **风险评估**:EPA评估环境中的化学物质和污染物对人类健康和环境的潜在风险。
– **法规执行**:EPA负责执行环境保护法规,对违规行为进行处罚。
– **公众教育和参与**:EPA通过教育项目和公共宣传活动提高公众对环境问题的认识,并鼓励公众参与环境保护。

2. **环境评估计划(Environmental Protection Assessment)**:
– **环境影响评估**:EPA在项目审批前进行环境影响评估,以确保项目不会对环境造成不利影响。

EPA,即环境保护局(Environmental Protection Agency)的缩写,在不同的语境中有不同的含义。以下是几个常见的EPA作用详解:

– **可持续发展评估**:EPA评估项目是否遵循可持续发展原则,包括对资源的使用、对环境的影响以及对社会的贡献。

3. **生物酶(如AP Endonuclease 1,APE 1)**:
– **DNA修复**:APE 1是一种酶,参与DNA的修复过程,特别是针对脱嘌呤/脱嘧啶位点。
– **转录因子调节**:APE 1还参与调控转录因子的DNA结合活性,影响基因表达。

4. **其他领域**:
– **经济和金融**:在某些情况下,EPA可能指的是环境风险或环境保护相关的经济和金融评估。
– **技术**:在信息技术领域,EPA可能指的是环境参数或环境性能评估。


At this time, Yao finally eliminated those negative energies and recovered them in his life.

Long Yun’s face, full of pain, slowly calmed down.
Yao stretched out his hand and held his wrist and carefully examined everything. It was only after he temporarily adapted to the fusion that his consciousness briefly fainted.
Yao knows that a little rest will be fine.
Put Yu Long down gently and let him lie on the wide Pu Tuan Yao, wipe the fragrant sweat and sit next to him for a few breaths, then meditate cross-legged.
After half an hour, Yao finished meditation, and she looked much better than before.
And this time Yu Long is still in a coma.
Yao slant his head and stared at Yu Long’s sleeping face. After a long time, he sighed and shook his head. Then he leaned over boldly and kissed him on the forehead.
"Xiaoyu-!" Yao’s face was slightly red and low, and he shouted at the sight of Yu Long. Nothing happened. She put out her hand and touched him on the forehead and carefully induced him.
She was relieved when she was sure.
Gently rubbed Yu Long forehead Yao murmured, "Xiaoyu, you are a poetic lover and my phoenix family is predestined friends. I can’t let you get hurt. I’ll give you my phoenix armor …"
With that, Yao Bei’s teeth bit her lips and her eyes carefully swept around, and then a purplish jade finger appeared on her face, slowly revealing her perfect charming body.
She is not naked at the moment.
There is a colorful glow flowing around her.
Yao looked at Yu Long again and resolutely put out his hand and caressed his glow. He turned and gently pulled a five-color armor and took it off.
"From today on, I will be your Phoenix Armor". With a little shyness, Yao hurried to wear a dress and muttered "I hope you won’t forget that I am good to you in the future"
Phoenix armor is refined from colorful feathers at the tail of Yao’s own body. It is extremely defensive, even if it is hard to resist a plan and attack.
Phoenix armor accompanied Yao for several years.
Although she doesn’t need such things anymore, Phoenix Armor, after all, is made by her body feathers and has deep feelings.
Today, she can leave the Phoenix armor to Yu Long, which shows that her heart is good for Yu Long.
Eyes staring at the armor Yao lips bite with the same covered in the Long Yu body and then a colorful glow into the Long Yu body.
And Yu Long is still in a coma at the moment and doesn’t know that Yao gave him such a good thing.
Yao’s beautiful eyes beside Yu Long stared at that young face with some inexplicable meaning. Qiao face suddenly had a bitter smile.
"You little brat, you can’t help it. You are evil to me, but I am not angry with you at all." Yao muttered.
"Hey-!" Yao lightly sighed. Yao bent over and gently touched his lips on Yu Long’s forehead and then got up and left.
At the exit of Wutonglin, she saw her daughter, and now she is looking anxious.
Yao said simply, "He’s in a coma for a while. He’ll wake up by himself later. Come with me first. I have something to tell you."
The fifth chapter 10 Emperor extremely tactic
Chapter ten Huang Ji tactic
Shi Yin worried, "Xiaoyu will not have an accident there alone, will he?"
"Don’t worry, nothing will happen. I want you to come here because I want you to choose a cultivation secret in Xiaoyu, Phoenix Pavilion. His former Tianshi sword is definitely suitable for Jiuding Xiu. If he wants to become stronger, he must have more advanced methods," Yao said.
After hearing what Yao said, Shi Yin immediately smiled, "That’s very kind of you, mother."
"You this wench see I’m good to Xiaoyu, just say I’m good. If I’m bad to Xiaoyu, you will definitely speak ill of me." Yao said hello. "Let’s go …"
When Long Yu woke up from a coma in the indus forest, he slowly opened his eyes and gently moved all over.
In my imagination, the pain did not come as scheduled, but a sense of fullness kept flowing in my body.
Feel comfortable and full, let Yu Long take a long breath and tilt his head slightly. He saw that Yao was gone.
Yu Long first one leng leng immediately suddenly sat up and eyes quickly swept around or no yao figure.
"Aunt Yao?" Yu Long shouted for a week and didn’t respond.
Yu Long immediately got up and planned to leave here, but only after a few steps, he suddenly smelled a faint fragrance. After careful observation, he now found that fragrance overflowing from himself.
"Master Yao left his Phoenix armor to you-!" Rowling Yu Long explained, "That fragrance is Yao’s body fragrance. Phoenix armor has followed her for several years and naturally contaminated her body fragrance."
"Phoenix armor?" Yu Long was confused.
"It’s Yao’s own feather refining with strong defense, although it’s more precious than the Phoenix Order, but it’s also a rare treasure in the mysterious environment," Rowling said.
"She actually gave me this personal armor?" Face with a strange Yu Long murmured a upward looking at half or some don’t understand.
"Why is she like this?" Yu Long seems to be asking himself.
"I don’t know-!" Rowling said, "Maybe it’s because of affection?"
"Affection?" Yu Long paused. "What affection?"
"Master, I’m sorry I can answer your question-!" Rowling said, "This question may be answered by yourself."
"myself?" Yu Long slightly hesitated and dumped her head and said, "Forget these troubles. I won’t think about them first. I’ll ask Yao when I find them later."
Out of the forest horizon, the flaming sunset has fallen by half, and Long Yu sighed and walked on.

"Then the boundary is yes then the boundary!"

"This Li Dashan was concise three then? Besides, he has such a wide boundary, so it won’t be an elixir, will it? "
The boundary of the elixir and the battlefield of the soul have the same effect. This is the only way that Brother Sanjin can have the power. To fight the boundary of the elixir, practitioners can change the law to a certain extent.
Unless it is a disparity in strength, being enveloped by the other side’s then boundary will be like cutting the chopping block and killing people.
"Then the boundary is a golden elixir!"
On the platform, Elder over the rainbow’s face was livid and cold, and he spit out a word. Elder Qinghong was even more shocked and filled with remorse.
An elixir can only be practiced by people with great perseverance, wisdom and ability.
If I had known that Li Xuandao was an elixir, I would have left Li Xuandao even if I had torn my face with Elder over the rainbow.
But now it’s too late.
"A golden elixir!"
Challenge stone skyshatter eyeful looked at Li Xuandao in disbelief and said, "Li Dashan, what is this? You then boundary … can ban my magic? "
At the end of the speech, the sound has trembled.
Hearing this, the onlookers once again raised a noise, and many elders on the platform were even more shocked.
Ban all mana, good terrorist ability
It is no wonder that Li Xuandao was able to shoot the stone with his bare hands. The avatar turned out to be in the realm of then.
"Can I guess if you are a worm?" Li Xuandao laughed coldly and suddenly raised his right foot and stepped on the lower abdomen of the stone skyshatter.
"Li Dashan, how dare you?"
Surprised and angry, the rock burst out with a faint momentum and suddenly shouted, "Do you … do you have the boundary of then?"
Slight shock
See stone skyshatter broke out, and a golden world was faintly propped up around the golden light.
It’s then territory again!
However, the boundary of the stone-breaking elixir is very simple, except for mountains, rivers, the sun, the moon and the stars, which are thousands of miles away, just like a dead world without life.
In spite of this, Shi skyshatter simply avoided Li Xuandao then boundary with the strength of seven layers.
But before the crowd came to cheer and swim for days, the dragon seemed to be alarmed by the stone-breaking then boundary, and they immediately turned into a series of flashing and bold songs.
Bang bang bang!
A series of dull sounds.
Dragon fight tried his best to hit the boundary of the stone skyshatter and then it was constantly shaking and crumbling. After the seventh dragon hit, the boundary of the stone skyshatter and then actually rose a crack.
"This … how is that possible?" Stone skyshatter eyeful crazy shouted more than the practitioner is aghast.
Then the boundary can change the law to a certain extent, but no one has ever heard that then the boundary can take the initiative to attack the enemy.
It’s really weird
When Article 13 Dragon pounced flagrantly, the stone sky broke and then the boundary could no longer support crashing and crushing. He just got up and was severely crushed to the ground by Li Xuandao then boundary.
Just at this time, Li Xuandao missed his right foot and gently stepped on the stone skyshatter’s lower abdomen
A muffled sound
Stone skyshatter body shaking violently face a pale suddenly spit out one mouthful blood.
Seeing that he couldn’t get rid of the stone skyshatter, then Li Xuandao was slightly surprised and looked down to see the stone skyshatter’s lower abdomen position. A lacquered black symbol was faintly raised, with a statue of a claws troll just blocking his right foot.
"Troll Fu Zhao!"
Li Xuandao laughed coldly. This Fu Zhao is a talisman given to believers by some gods to save their lives. However, this kind of thing is a one-time consumption. After blocking Li Xuandao’s right foot, it turns a handful of black fire into ashes.
"Li Dashan, I was wrong. Give me a break, please. I want you to live around me. My generation will make cows and horses for you." Life and death are hard to maintain and beg for mercy.
However, Li Xuan ignored the truth and suddenly raised his right foot and stepped on it again.
"No, master, help me!" Stone skyshatter a full face of horror watched Li Xuandao crazy shout on the soles of your feet.
"Li Dashan, stop!"
Over the rainbow, the elder of the platform, finally couldn’t help it at the moment. He came out of the platform like a flash of lightning. Immediately behind Li Xuandao, his right hand flashed thick golden light and printed it hard behind Li Xuandao.
This blow, Elder over the rainbow tried his best to force Li Xuandao to crush Li Xuandao before stepping on his right foot.
"Li Dashan be careful!"
"Watch your back. Watch your back."
Seeing this, Mu Wanqing and Xu Wanying suddenly became nervous and shouted.
However, if Li Xuandao didn’t hear that his right foot kept carrying a heavy momentum and stepped on the stone.
"Li Dashan is dead!" Elder over the rainbow’s face is grinning and his palm is flying like the wind, and the speed has soared by more than ten times, breaking the boundary of Li Xuandao’s then-elixir with the momentum of Aaron.
At this moment, Li Xuandao suddenly rises with an aura of terror.
I saw a huge magic shadow rushing from the top of my head, wearing an embroidered abyss hell robe and several demon patterns. Three faces were either angry or indifferent or evil, and thousands of arms stretched out like hitting the whole world with indomitable spirit. magic eye even flashed superb light and strafed in all directions. No one dared to look at each other.
As soon as this magic shadow appeared, it exuded a monstrous momentum. Three faces with different looks made a rolling magic sound, which made everyone dizzy.
Nearly a thousand arms skyrocketed, and the big hand immediately covered the sky and changed color, carrying the magic gas and patting the elders of over the rainbow.
A loud noise
Elder over the rainbow’s eyes were full of horror, but he was stunned and flew away.

"It’s Xiaoyu, come here!" Although Yao turned her back on Yu Long, she still showed up in Yu Long.

Yu Long immediately went over and smelled a faint fragrance in his nose when he was near Yao.
"Aunt Yao, everyone is white. I just want to ask you a question. Have you considered what I told you the other day?" Yu Long asked.
Yao took a glance at Yu Long with a pair of flattering eyes and said simply, "I’ve been thinking about these problems for several days. I can sell you one side, but the details are still open to question. I can’t be a powerful vassal in the family of black phoenix …"
"I know your mind" Yu Long interrupted Yao.
"Tell me about it?" Yaoqing avenue
"What you said is a question?" Yu Long said, "Do you think this will do? I communicated with Xifeng, and once she came forward to make peace with you, wouldn’t you take care of everything? "
"Um … well-!" Yao said, "If Phoenix Girl can give me enough noodles, I can make concessions, but I ask to enter the Presbyterian Church."
"I have to discuss this with Xi-!" Long Yu said, "After all, I can’t do this myself, can I?"
"Well," Yao said with a smile, "Is this what you want?"
Yu Long, seeing that Yao’s twin peaks are full, towering, thin waist and rich buttocks are full of sensual and sultry taste, and her charming smile is really rippling in people’s hearts.
"Ha ha-!" Yu Long laughed. "Isn’t this perfect?"
Yao chuckled, "Xiaoyu, remember that you have to be nice to my poem Yin, otherwise I will never let you go. Don’t doubt my words. I have the ability to deal with you, even if Feng Wench protects you."
"Don’t worry, even if you don’t tell me, I will go to Xifeng." Yu Long promised to say, "You don’t worry about this …"
"Well, I hope you can talk about it and do it. It’s getting late. I have to go to the kitchen to help Shiyin make breakfast. You can also come here later …" Yao said and twisted his waist like a snake and walked slowly.
Yu Long stared at her constant writhing, round and plump buttocks, and her heart itched.
Yao took a few steps to stop and glanced back at Yu Long. She seemed to know that Yu Long was very lightly chastising in her eyes staring at her hips.
Long Yuzheng is looking at the back channels. Damn it, it’s Luo Hou’s consciousness.
Soon in Longyu, Yao was reconciled with Jinfeng, and it was announced that the Cold War between Heifeng Palace and Multicolored Palace had officially ended. This long-divided Phoenix family was reunified again.
At the same time, Shi Yin hesitated to withdraw from Jinfeng, the only candidate who became the queen of Phoenix, and the whole phoenix family was crowned that day. With Phoenix, everyone had a backbone and their hearts were full of confidence in the future disaster.
And Yao also got his wish to enter the Presbyterian Church and become the manager of the colorful palace.
According to Jinfeng’s meaning, Shiyin will also enter the Presbyterian Church, but Shiyin was rejected. After entering the Presbyterian Church, there will be many things that she doesn’t want to be tied down. In the future, she will leave the Phoenix Nest to help Yu Long find her parents.
Jinfeng expressed her full understanding and support for this, and left her position as an elder for the time being until she came back later.
Yao Lai doesn’t agree with her daughter to do this, but she also insists that she hopes Yu Long can treat her daughter well.
In the middle of the night, Jinfeng invited Shiyin out for a walk in the colorful palace garden. Jinfeng said faintly, "Thank you, Sister, thank you for promoting the reunification of the Phoenix family."
"I am Xiaoyu-!" Shi Yin said seriously, "Actually, I should thank you for bringing me such a good man."
"I’m sorry-!" As soon as Shiyin’s words were finished, she suddenly felt a little ambiguous in saying this. "Jinfeng, I didn’t mean that. Don’t get me wrong, I mean …"
"Ha ha-!" Jinfeng smiled and said, "Elder sister, what do you have to explain? I know what you are thinking. Now that you have given birth, I will accept it. In the future, I will start to revise some regulations of the Phoenix family … and please don’t be jealous."
"Ha ha-!" Shi Yin also gave a quick laugh. "You are the queen of phoenix. Do you mind sharing the same man with me? What do I care?"
"That’s settled-!" Jinfeng laughed. "Elder sister, I really have to thank you, and I admire you, you know? In the past, I always thought you couldn’t know what feelings are and what love is, but I didn’t expect you to give up when you fell in love. "
"I don’t tell you what kind of person Jinfeng Xiaoyu is, and you know that he is a man worthy of love. Don’t say much. You are the queen of Phoenix, so you should take your responsibility and take care of Xiaoyu." Shi Yin said, "We are sisters, so don’t care so much."
"Thank you-!" Jinfeng’s eyes are a little moist.
The fifth chapter 16 Xin Yao stirred up
Chapter 16 Yao stirred up
After staying in the Phoenix Nest for a few days, Yu Long plans to leave the Phoenix Nest for the desire world/Shiyin will go with him, but after entering the desire world, Shiyin plans to act alone.
If she acts alone, the effect will be
Before he left, Shiyin wanted to go to the Colorful Palace with Yu Long to say goodbye, but she didn’t want her mother Yao to stop Yu Long. She had something to say.
Shi Yin went alone. She was worried that her mother would be difficult. Long Yujiao said, "Mother, you can’t be difficult to Xiaoyu."
"You haven’t officially passed the door yet, so you know that it’s too small. Don’t worry, I won’t eat people and worry that I ate your lover." Yao didn’t good the spirit way.
"Hey hey-!" Shi Yin wryly turned around and left.
When the daughter left Yao, she then ordered the wine to be placed in hand. After the banquet came, there were two of them, Long Yuyao, who had to be a cliche and told herself to be better for Shi Yin.
I didn’t expect her to keep silent about those things.
From now on, Yao has been clinking glasses and drinking with Yu Long. Because of alcohol, Yao’s cheeks have become brilliant red and charming.
In fact, Yu Long also had some drunkenness.
Unlike the drinks in the real world, Heifeng Palace drinks are a kind of nectar that can make monks drunk. They are all refined from the rain and dew of buttonwood trees, and the entrance is fragrant and greasy, but the energy is not small.
Just for a moment when two people have already drunk a small altar with three pounds of drinks, Yao’s eyes glance at Long Yu from time to time, which means that there are quite some Chun Qing ripples.
And Yu Long’s evil consciousness slowly invaded his mind as he was drunk. He watched the amorous feelings of Yao and Yu Long’s mind constantly rippling.